Propulsion with space applications  

The course covers the essentials of launchers and spacecrafts propulsion technologies, focusing on two main areas: Thermal (chemistry) propulsion and electrical propulsion. The subjects treated in this course comprise performance parameters (thrust, specific impulse, etc.); Nozzle theory and thermodynamic relations; Rocket equation, staging, ideal rocket theory; Solid propellant motor: components, propellants and propellant properties, performance, nozzle, thrust vectoring; Liquid propellant engine: components and subsystems, (mono- and bi-component) propellants, thrust chamber, tanks, pipes, pressure feeding systems, performance, nozzles, thrust vectoring; Cold gas thruster: components and subsystems. Overview of electric propulsion systems: resistojet, ArcJet, magnetoplasmadynamic thruster, pulsed plasma thruster, ion thruster, field-emission thruster, Hall-effect thruster Outcome: After the course, the students shall be able to: • Apply the fundamental rocket theory, physical and mathematical tools to design and analyse propulsion systems for launchers and spacecrafts. • Analyse and solve basic problems in rocket thermochemistry. • Perform preliminary design of propulsion sub-systems (thrust chambers, nozzles, tanks, etc.) for launchers and spacecrafts considering different propulsion technologies (solid, liquid and hybrid). • Execute preliminary designs of launchers and spacecrafts. • Analyse and solve basic problems in electric propulsion. • Apply the above-described techniques on real-world space vehicle projects, and report on this work both orally and in writing.
Propulsion with space applications

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